Active Passive Voice Quiz

What is the difference between active voice and passive voice? Pretty simple really. In active voice, the subject of the sentence does the action. Example: The cat chased the rat. In other words, the person or thing doing the action comes first. (The cat) The subject here is the cat.

In passive voice, the subject receives the action. Example: The rat was chased by the cat. In other words, the one doing the action comes later.

Why don’t you try out these active passive voice quiz questions and see if you can answer them correctly? Let’s do this.



#1. The Golden Retriever chased the big ball across the park.

#2. She wrote an inspiring novel that became a bestseller.

#3. Mr. Kamau fixed the cute, red car quickly and efficiently.

#4. The team celebrated their victory with a party.

#5. The playful children played soccer in the huge field after school.

#6. We planted tomatoes in the kitchen garden last weekend.

#7. Amina solved the complicated puzzle in record time.

#8. The teacher explained the new concept clearly to Aaron and Harry.


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