#1. The ………………Mutiny was a rebellion against British rule in India that took place between 1857–59. In India it is also called the First War of Independence.
#2. What happened to India after the rebellion against the East India Company?
#3. Australia was originally established as a penal colony for Britain in 1788. This meant that many of the very first settlers were …
#4. British settlers in Australia used violence to take land from the Aboriginal people who were fighting to defend their land. These conflicts are known as …….
#5. In the 1850s, hundreds of thousands of free settlers flocked to Australia? What prompted this?
#6. He was an Aboriginal Australian man who led a three-year campaign against European colonizers, achieving legendary status for his hit and run tactics.
#7. Between 1845-52 Ireland suffered a period of starvation that became known as the Great Famine. Many Irish were convinced that the famine was a direct result of British colonial policies. This famine is also known as………
#8. The scramble for Africa began in the 1880s. In which century is this?
#9. Which British colonialist was responsible for the colonisation of Zimbabwe and South Africa?
#10. Kwame Nkrumah led which African nation to independence?
#11. In 1888, which African king in what is now known as South Africa, signed the Moffat Treaty, which prevented him from dealing with foreign powers other than England?