Dear learner, have you ever heard of this term “solar system”? What is it? Here’s a simple explanation you can share with your friends!
What Is A Solar System In Easy Words?
The Solar System is a collection of planets, moons, asteroids, and other objects that go around the sun, which is a big, hot star at the center. I like to imagine the sun is like the grumpy grandpa who just sits there, burning hot, making sure everyone stays in line with his gravity. He’s like, “YOU’RE ALL STAYING IN THIS FAMILY WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT!”
There are eight planets in the Solar System:
- Mercury – The closest planet to the sun and the smallest. He’s like the hyper little sibling who zooms around the sun like it’s late for school every day.
- Venus – A very hot planet with thick clouds.
- Earth – The only planet known to have life. Yes, that’s us! I like to imagine the earth is like the cool, life-filled middle child that no one can ignore.
- Mars – A red, rocky planet that once had water. It also appears like it once had water, but then was like, “Nah, I’m good.”
- Jupiter – The largest planet, mostly made of gas. This is the big brother, the one who eats everything in sight (seriously, its gravity sucks up stray asteroids). Jupiter, you really need to chill.
- Saturn – A gas planet with big rings around it.
- Uranus – A cold planet that spins on its side.
- Neptune – The farthest planet, very cold and windy.
And then there’s Pluto, who got kicked out of the planet club in 2006. Poor Pluto. One day it’s a planet, next day it’s a “dwarf planet.” Just like that. Speaking of, what is a dwarf planet? Why don’t you write your answer in the comment section?
What Are Five Facts About The Solar System?
- The Sun is massive – It makes up about 99.8% of the total mass of the solar system. Everything else, including all the planets, moons, and asteroids, only make up the remaining 0.2%!
- Jupiter is the king of planets – This is the largest planet. Did you know that it is so big that all the other planets could fit inside it?
- Saturn’s rings are mostly made of ice – plus some dust and pieces of rock.
- Comets, which are part of the solar system, take thousands of years to orbit the Sun. Not all though. Some, like Halley’s Comet, return every 76 years. The last time this comet was seen was in 1986 and it will be next seen in the year 2061.
- The Moon has no atmosphere – Unlike Earth, the Moon doesn’t have a thick atmosphere to protect it. That means there’s no weather, no wind, and no sound there.
Are you now ready for the solar system quiz? Let’s do this!
#1. Which of the following planets are nearest the sun?
#2. Is the following statement true or false? Earth has one moon while Mars has two.
#3. The solar system consists of …………….. number of planets. (eight, six, nine)
#4. Pluto was once classed as a planet, but is now classed as a …………..
#5. The largest planet in the solar system is ………………
#6. Stars, planets, satellites, asteroids, meteorids and comets are all …………………bodies
#7. Our solar system belongs to this galaxy?…………………
#8. After about every 75 to 76 years, this celestial body lights up our sky. It’s a comet and it’s known as ……….
Photo by Benjamin Voros on Unsplash
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