Rounding Off to 2 Or 3 Decimal Places


#1. Round off 0.5478 to two decimal places.

#2. Round off 78.5247 to two decimal places

#3. Round off 16.8596 to three decimal places.

#4. What is 0.05466 rounded off to three decimal places?

#5. What is 8.677 rounded off to two decimal places?

#6. Round off 3.0009 to three decimal places.

#7. Round off 12.9956 to two decimal places.

#8. Round off 10.5478 to three decimal places.

#9. A farmer, eager to plant his beans, dug a trench that was 7.546 metres long. Round off this figure to two decimal places.

#10. Mutisya is 35.654 kilograms. What is his mass rounded off to two decimal places?

#11. Kipkoech cyled 4.854 km to visit his grandmother. What is the answer, rounded off to two decimal places?


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