#1. What is a vertebrate?
#2. Is a horse a vertebrate?
#3. Maina was asked whether a snake is a vertebrate. He replied that it wasn’t. Is this correct?
#4. Which of the following IS NOT a vertebrate?
#5. Rehema and Jane were having a class discussion on vertebrates. Rehema said that crocodiles were not vertebrates. Was she correct?
#6. ……………….are another group of vertebrates that is covered with scales and CANNOT survive outside water.
#7. Female mammals have……………………that they use to feed their young.
#8. ………………….have moist skin, breathe through the mouth and spend time on land or water.
#9. Most mammals give birth to young ones apart from the …………………… and the……………………………..that lay eggs.
#10. Name the five groups of vertebrates
Give three examples of reptiles
Give three examples of amphibians
#22. What is the young one of a frog called?