Science and Technology CBC Grade 4 Notes

Living and Non-living Things in the Environment

Dear amazing learner. Did you know that the world is made up of living and non-living things? Just go outside for a few minutes and check out all the living things that you can see. I just glanced to my left and my cute furry cat, Bluey, was busy cleaning himself. What about you? What can you see?

Plants and animals are examples of living things? What about human beings, I hear you ask? Human beings belong to the animal kingdom and so yes, they are also living things.

Can you name five living things in the comment section? Yes, please do. While you are at it, add five nonliving things to the list.

A maize plant may not react in the same way your neighbour’s dog would, but they are both living things. Plants breathe, feed, grow, move, reproduce and have senses. Living things also have a lifespan, meaning that they cannot live forever.

Characteristics of Plants

  • They feed. Plants make their own food through a process called photosynthesis. During photosynthesis, plants use their leaves to capture light energy from sunlight and then covert water and carbon dioxide into glucose, which is a simple sugar.
  • They reproduce. Plants reproduce through a process called pollination.
  • They remove waste. Plants remove water vapour and gases through small openings on their leaves called stomata.
  • Plants cannot move from place to place but they do respond to changes in the environment
  • They grow. Some plants grow on the soil, while others grow in the water.
  • They die. Plants can die due to overwatering, underwatering, or extreme temperatures.

Dear learner, why do you think plants die? What are some of the conditions that lead to a plant’s death?

Check Out – Plants quiz with answers

Time for our awesome fun facts. Did you know that the ‘touch me not’ plant responds to human and animal touch by ‘dying?’ Well, it doesn’t actually die. It just folds its leaves when its touched. You can check out a Youtube video and see it for yourself. The plant’s scientific name is Mimosa Pudica.

One more fun fact – the infamous Venus flytrap.

Venus Flytrap Facts

This is a carnivorous plant that eats insects and small animals. This plant’s leaves can open and shut, much like a door. Once an insect lands on the Venus flytrap leaves, within one second, the leaves snap shut and trap the poor insect inside, which is slowly digested by the plant’s digestive juices. Wow! What a treat for the Venus plant.

Characteristics of Animals

Animals reproduce. They reproduce for the survival and continuity of their species. Some animals lay eggs, while others give birth to their young, and these ones are called mammals. .

Animals expire, i.e they die.

Animals excrete waste, i.e they remove waste.

Animals move from place to place. An elephant moves from one place to another looking for food. Another animal might move from one place to another in search of a mate and to breed. Also, animals move from one place to another in search of shelter. Animals also migrate from one country to another and a good example of this is when wildebeests cross Kenya and go to Tanzania. Animals may also migrate from one place to escape predators.

Animals feed. Why do animals eat? To get strength and to develop. Without adequate strength, an animal like a gazelle cannot have the energy to run away from its predator, the leopard. Many animals eat grass, others eat meat, while others have a mix of plants and meat. These last ones are called omnivores. What are the other two called? Write your answer in the comment section.

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Animals grow. As animals feed, they gain muscle and mass, and can grow to be humongous animals, like the elephant or the blue whale.

Animals breathe. Animals take in oxygen from the air and breathe out carbon dioxide. Aquatic animals on the other hand, animals that live in water, get their oxygen from the water.

Vertebrates and Invertebrates Grade 4

Vertebrates are animals that have a backbone while invertebrates do not have one. Can you name five animals that have a backbone and five that do not?

Most of the animals in the world are invertebrates such as starfish, insects, crabs, lobsters, octopi, arachnids, jellyfish and more.

Vertebrates are divided into five groups – mammals, fish, reptiles, amphibians, and birds.


  • They live in water and can breathe underwater
  • They have scales and fins.
  • They are cold blooded. They cannot control their body temperature, and it is determined by the environment around them.
  • They lay eggs.


  • They also lay eggs.
  • They too are cold blooded.
  • They can live on land and in the water. They have smooth, moist skin. They lay their jelly-covered eggs on water.


  • They too lay eggs.
  • They are cold blooded.
  • They cannot breathe under water, but they do enjoy spending time in water.
  • They have dry scaly skin.


  • Their bodies are covered with feathers. Why do think so?
  • They have wings.
  • Not all birds fly. Which bird doesn’t fly?
  • They are warm blooded.
  • They lay eggs as well.


  • They do not lay eggs. They give birth.
  • They too are warm blooded.
  • They breathe in air.

All mammals feed their babies milk from their mammary glands.

Check Out – Invertebrates quiz; ten easy questions


Digestive System

This comprises of the mouth, oesophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, rectum and anus.

Functions of Parts of the Digestive System

The Mouth

Food is chewed using the teeth and mixed with saliva. Your teeth help in food being broken down into manageable pieces that you can swallow. Saliva also helps in moistening the food, further helping in the digestive process.

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The Oesaphagus

Food passes from the mouth to the stomach through the oesaphagus. It is more commonly known as the food pipe.

The Stomach

Food is stored here and mixed with digestive juices such as hydrochloric acid and other juices that further break down the food.

The Small Intestine

Digested food is further broken down in the small intestine, thanks to digestive juices that are found there, and absorbed. They are transferred all over the body through the blood.

The Large Intestine

The food particles that are not absorbed in the small intestine eventually reach the large intestine. Here, the large intestine absorbs water and sends the food that has been undigested to the rectum.

The Rectum

Undigested food is stored in the rectum for a little while. When the rectum is full, the waste is released through the anus.

Hoorah! We have just eaten a meal which went through our mouth, all the way to the anus. Can you see, dear learner, that the body is like a machine; a fantastic machine?

Time for our fun facts! Did you know that it takes approximately 6-8 hours for your body to digest pizza? How long do you think it takes your body to digest a piece of watermelon? Find out and write your answer in the comment section!

Types of Teeth and Their Functions

Incisors: These teeth are used for biting and cutting food, for example, these are the teeth you use when eating sugarcane.  

Canines: Can you feel how sharp your canines are? These teeth are next to your incisors and are used for tearing food, for example, meat.  

Premolars: These teeth are used for tearing, crushing, and grinding food into smaller pieces. 

Molars: These teeth are also used for chewing, grinding, and crushing food. So what’s the difference between molars and premolars? Molars are larger than premolars and can have up to three roots. Yes, teeth have roots!  

Taking Care of Your Teeth

How can you, dear learner, take care of your teeth?

  • By avoiding sugary drinks like sodas, juices and sweets. They should not be a regular part of your diet.
  • Brush your teeth regularly, at least twice a day.
  • Floss after brushing your teeth and do this regularly.
  • Ask your parents or guardian to take you to a dentist at least once every six months.
  • Replace your toothbrush after four months. You don’t want it to be old and gross looking do you?

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