British Colonialism Quiz

Metals Quiz – Science

States of Matter Quiz

States of matter refer to the different forms that matter takes. The most commonly known are solids, liquids, gas and plasma, and they come about as a result of melting,…

Punctuation Quiz With Answers

African History Quiz – Part 2

How well do you know the history of Africa? It’s social, economic, and political history, as well as its culture, and people. Here’s a quiz that will test you on…

Kiswahili Revision – Grade 6 CBC

Ngeli, wingi, wanyama na kadhalika.

Islam Quiz With Answers – Religious Studies

Kiswahili For Beginners – Fruits In Swahili

Plants Quiz With Answers

How well do you know plants? Let’s find out…

Unscramble Country Names

It is time to unscramble some country names and oh no, it’s not going to be the easy peazy type of quiz. How well will you do?