Malipo Mbalimbali – Zoezi

Grade 5 Science – Vertebrates Quiz

You know when you stand up, skip, jump and move around. Do you know how you are able to do that? You are able to do that thanks to your…

Popular English Proverbs Quiz

Here are some of the most popular English proverbs around. How well will you score? Try it out. Don’t forget to put fullstops at the end of the sentence. Support…

Afrikan History Quiz

How well do you know Afrika’s history? Do you think you can at least get 5 out of 8? Or are you an Afrikan history genius? Find out!

Akisami – Fractions in Kiswahili

1/2 – Nusu 1/3 – Theluthi 1/4 – Robo 1/5 – Humusi 1/6 – Sudusi 1/7 – Subui 1/8 – Thumni 1/9 – Tusui 1/10 – Ushuri